The REIG Investor Club provides members with curated educational materials on potential real estate investments. Our team researches opportunities, analyzes numbers, and evaluates partners to create informative content.

We started this group to share knowledge that can be hard to find independently, especially given limited time. Many investors seek to learn about creating multiple income streams. 

Getting to know members helps tailor materials, but does not constitute financial advice. Educational content is provided for members to evaluate opportunities themselves. Private offerings may have eligibility requirements unrelated to the group.

Our goal is to educate members so they can make informed decisions aligned to their own strategy. 

Please submit the form below and I will schedule a call with you to understand your investing goals and get to know you personally. Once you submit the form below, you will receive an email confirmation with a link to get us talking. 🙂  Once you schedule a time to talk, I will reach out to you and start the process of creating our relationship and finding out about your investment goals and desires.  I get to know each member of the Investment Club personally.  

This is an important step because (a) it allows me to find what would be the best fit for you, and (b) many private placement offerings require a pre-established relationship for an investor to be involved so we need to get to know each other sooner rather than later. 

If you're ready to start investing in real estate and building real wealth in a community of sisterhood, fill out this form.

Apply Here

Please submit the confidential form below. After you submit, you'll receive an email with a link to schedule a call with me to further understand your investing goals and desires.


50% Complete

Two Step

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