How to Get Yourself Unstuck And Flowing

Are you in a rut? Going through the motions? Checking off the to-do list just because that’s what you’re supposed to do?

If reading that sentence made your heart sink in recognition, or you breathed a sigh of relief that someone else said it, know this: you are not alone.

We can feel overwhelmed at any time because we’re doing and balancing a lot. But there’s good news. We’re here for you. We’ve been right there in your shoes. And we’ll be right here, with our hands reaching out until you’re feeling fabulous, fun, and right back on track.

But where do we start?

When I feel stuck, I focus on things that I know have a HUGE impact, three of which are listed below:


1. Make time for daily pleasure breaks

Moments of fun, delight, and/or self-care never fail to revive me. When we're in a major rut, it's easy to forget to do this (or gasp! think we're too busy), but that's when we need pleasure breaks the most!


2. Choose a new, fresh goal

This can be a vacation you’ve always wanted to take, a gift you want to give someone you love, or a project you’ve always wanted to tackle.


3. Say YES to opportunities to connect with other like-minded people (in this case, real estate investors)

Not only are they doing inspiring things, but how can you help or inspire someone else? It supercharges my vibe when I do this!



I want to invite you to come to an event January 22-24 where you'll get to tap into all three of these hacks for getting unstuck. Join me at our Virtual Wealth Through Real Estate Event (link), where you will tap into pleasure, find powerful goals for your real estate investing in 2021, and connect with the most incredible women around.

Click here to join us for only $97. When would now be a good time to get unstuck and start building your wealth through real estate?


December 5-7, 2024

Join us for a 3-day virtual event—it's your passport to learn from extraordinary women who've achieved millionaire status through investing in real estate.

Early Bird ticket only $47

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.