Hey Goddesses!
Starting this Friday, November 27 we are going to be doing a 30-day pleasure challenge in the Real Estate Investor Goddesses (Private Community) Facebook Group! [If you're not there yet, you can join us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/REIGPrivateCommunity
The holidays are SUPPOSED to be pleasurable, but they're often a time of stress. When you add in COVID-19, social distancing, politics, and all the other stressors of 2020, this is a year that could quickly take you spiraling down.
So what's a goddess to do? Grab at least one daily dose of pleasure! Pleasure is the first ingredient in the goddess secret sauce, and it will bring you and everyone around you higher đź’•
I've created a 30-day challenge to help us dive deep into pleasure during this upcoming holiday season. We will go from Friday, November 27 until December 25 (Christmas Day). Do you want to join me?
How will the Pleasure challenge work?
First, make sure that you've joined us on Many Chat so you can get the daily reminders and prompts DM'd to your Facebook Messenger inbox. You can click here to sign up: http://bit.ly/REIG_MC
Second, every day, do at least one pleasurable activity. I will send out a daily video suggestion. You can do the activity I suggest or you can do whatever other activity sounds pleasurable for you.
Third, report back to the Facebook Group that you've done it. Ideally, you will take a picture of yourself doing the pleasurable activity, but you can just do a written post too. The important thing is to do your one act of pleasure and then celebrate it with the group. Use the group for accountability and to take yourself higher. Please also like, comment on, and support the other women participating too.
Let's wrap up 2020 with a uber dose of sisterhood and pleasure! 👏🏾
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