Motivation Monday

"Get comfortable with feeling challenged. That means you are growing."

— Boss Babe.

Growth can feel overwhelming, stressful, and sometimes even scary. That’s where we come in. We are here to remind you that you are not alone. When you’re a REI Goddess you have the support of tons of incredible women who are here to cheer you on every step of the way. So when you feel the effects of your growth, both the good and the bad, know that we are here to lift you up or celebrate with you.

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Motivation Monday

“If you’re one of those people who has that little voice in the back of her mind saying, ‘Maybe I could do [fill in the blank],’ don’t tell it to be quiet. Give it a little room to grow, and try to find an environment it can grow in.”

― Reese Witherspoon.

If your [fill in the blank] is real estate investing, then I’d love to support you and help you find the environment in which to grow! Grab a copy of my 40 page guide: Investing In Real Estate- From $1 to $1 Million for free! In this guide I’ll teach you 12 strategies you can use to get started on your real estate investing journey, regardless of your budget or schedule. Then make sure to join our free Private Facebook Community. Join the thousands of other women allowing that whisper in their souls to grow into a roar!

Don’t silence that little voice in the back of your mind… give it the resources it needs to grow!

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Motivation Monday


"Women have to harness their power—it’s absolutely true. It’s just learning not to take the first no. And if you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner."

― Cher.

Powerful words from a badass woman. Now it's your turn to harness your power, believe in yourself, and take over the world!!

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Motivation Monday

"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."

― Eleanor Roosevelt.

March is National Women's History Month and we can't wait to celebrate all month long by sharing quotes from some of our favorite women in history! Starting with Eleanor Roosevelt!

Did you know that Eleanor not only helped draft the universal declaration of human rights, but she also received over 35 honorary degrees?? (FDR only received 31 ) She was an incredible woman in our nation's history, and one we respect very much.

Who is a woman from history who inspires you?

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Motivation Monday


"True wealth gets built when your time gets uncoupled with money."

― Monick Halm.

Time is finite. We only have so much time in our day, our week, our month, and truly, our lives. When it comes to making money, some people have jobs that trade their time for money. This can be really lucrative, especially if you’re a CEO and you get paid a lot of money per hour worked. But I believe that when you’re truly wealthy, your time is completely your own. True wealth means not trading your time for money, it means making money while you do whatever you’d like to do with your time.

Real estate investing gives you the gift of time. It allows you to have enough passive income streams so that you work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to. That is true wealth, and THAT is the kind of financial freedom I want for each and every one of you.

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Motivation Monday

"The market is more important than the property."

― Ken McElroy.


They say the top three rules of real estate investing are:

1. Location
2. Location
3. Location

Where you buy is more important than what you buy! A mediocre property in a strong market is going to do well. A beautiful property in a bad market is likely to lose money.

PS. Do you want more information on this? I have a Free Live Training that gives you the 7 Factors of a Money-Making Property Market. 

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Motivation Monday


“We not only dream, we do. We not only see what has been, we see what can be. We shoot for the moon and then we plant our flag on it. We are bold, fearless, and ambitious.”

― Kamala Harris.

Congratulations to our first African-American, Asian-American and female Vice President, Kamala Harris. Thanks for breaking through that glass ceiling and showing little girls and boys all over the world that anything is possible.

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Motivation Monday


"Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery, it takes work."

― Monick Halm.

I have a friend whose grandmother gave her lottery tickets for every special occasion. Each birthday, Easter, and Christmas card had a lottery ticket tucked inside. She told me once of all the dreams those lottery tickets inspired - vacations she would take her grandmother on, the home she would buy, the ideas she could pursue. Too often, our businesses suffer from lottery ticket syndrome. We have ideas, inspiration, plans about what we’re going to do, and build, but we don’t set out to actually DO it.

The real estate business is a tough teacher, and there is one lesson that has been hammered home for me over and over again: Success in real estate is not like winning the lottery - it takes work. It’s so important to dream, to picture where you want your business and your life to go, but it’s also important to take action.

There’s good news, though. The...

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Motivation Monday

"Doing everything 'right' does not equal happiness."

― Monick Halm.

Maybe you can relate… My parents always told me I could be ANYTHING I wanted long as it was a doctor, lawyer, professor, or engineer. They meant well. That was their definition of success.

Being a “good girl”, I dutifully graduated from an Ivy League law school. But as a lawyer, the slow itch of dissatisfaction started creeping up.

Truth be told? Before long, I was full-out miserable.

But I did what I thought was “right” until one Tuesday morning, in seemingly “perfect” health - it happened:

The crippling pain.
The frantic drive to the hospital.
The panic about what was wrong with me.

And then? A 9-day stay in the hospital and 30 days at home to recover from an emergency appendix rupture.

But here’s the truly tragic part- when I was first told that I had appendicitis and would have a hospital stay plus at least 30 days at home afterward to recover, I didn't feel...

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Motivation Monday

"When I dare to be powerful — to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid."

― Audre Lorde

YES! Dare to be powerful, dare to go after the life you’ve always wanted, dare to live financially free. Don’t let your fear get in the way of the life you’re MEANT to live! You got this, goddess!

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.