AI Revolution: Why Real Estate is Your Safest Bet

In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the job market, it's crucial to have a solid financial foundation. Goldman Sachs predicts that AI could replace 300 million full-time jobs, automating over 25% of all work tasks in the US and Europe. Even white-collar jobs, like those in the medical profession, are not immune to this revolution.

The Power of AI: A Personal Story

My 15-year-old daughter, Aliza, recently won her high school science fair by developing a custom GPT model designed to create personalized breast cancer treatment plans. She programmed this AI in just one day and made it even more robust in less than a month by incorporating over 600 peer-reviewed breast cancer research papersĀ into the model. An oncologist at a leading instituteĀ was blown away by its potential. This experience made me realize that an AI capable of integrating vast amounts of data to personalize treatment plans is far more powerful than any single human doctor's brain.


Ā ...

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Why Are So Few Women Investing In Real Estate?

Women are 50% of the population, but less than 30% of real estate investors are women. Why is that?

One reason is that many women don't even see it as a possibility for themselves. Another big reason is fear.

Women are scared to get involved in real estate investing because: they don't know enough about it; they don't think they have sufficient resources; they don't know who they can trust; and/or they don't have the right guidance or mentorship to begin powerfully.ā 
That's why I'm so passionate about the REI Goddesses community.ā 

  • Our private Facebook groupĀ and Wealthy Goddess Program are filled with incredible, badass women who are eager to support one another and provide guidance.ā ā 
  • Our free training webinars provide the valuable information you need to get started in this industry powerfully.ā 

  • Our community connects you to the resources you need to get in the game and thrive.ā 
  • Our online courses help you take your real estate investing to new levels that you didn't even know
  • ...
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How To Invest With The One You Love?



I successfully invest in real estate with my husband, Peter, and we get asked all the time: how do we do it? How do we work together, raise a family, and stay passionate?ā 
It's not luck. Well, there is some luck and a whole lot of grace. We have been intentional though! So here are four tips we credit for our relationship and business success. (And yes, we know the last one may sound crazy to some, but even Napoleon Hill talks about this in Think and Grow Rich.)ā 


  1. Understand each otherā€™s code and language.
  2. Make sure you know each otherā€™s ultimate vision and values and get on the same page.
  3. Foster an environment (physical, emotional, and social) that will sustain and support you in achieving your ultimate vision.
  4. Tap into the power of orgasm to manifest your ultimate dreams.

As Real Estate Investor Goddesses, we teach women (and their partners at our Real Estate Investor Soulmates Retreat) how to acquire cash-flowing rental properties so they can create financial freed...

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Goddess Spotlight: How She Accelerated to 4 Deals in 6 Months

Ready to be inspired? It's time for a Goddess Spotlight!

I want to introduce you to members of our community who are successfully building their real estate portfolios and are on their way to financial freedom. Some are relatively new, while others have been at it for a while.

These goddesses invest in almost every niche imaginable, and they ALL have a lot of insight to share!

Today, I'm sharing my interview with Donna Byron - our Wealthy Goddess last May!


Hereā€™s a recap of what we talked about:

  • Donna had been investing before she found Real Estate Investor Goddesses, but she had been going slowly (about 1 deal per year for 5 years.) She really wanted to accelerate, but she didn't know what she didn't know!
  • She heard about the Virtual Wealth Through Real Estate Event on a podcast and bought a ticket. It was deep, transformative, and connecting -- even for an introvert like her!
  • The big lesson she learned about being around people who are doi
  • ...
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Did You Hear What Brene Brown Said About Butt Kicking?

Brene Brown said it - ā€œIf youā€™re not in the arena getting your butt kicked too, Iā€™m not interested in your feedbackā€.

When I invite experts to speak to the goddesses in my Wealthy Goddess Program, I look for people who have fought my fight and won. Leaders who experience and speak to the highs and lows of investing instead of pretending they have all the answers. Women who are in the game, in the arena, right now.

Last August 9th South Africa celebrated National Womenā€™s Day in honor of the more than 20,000 women who shifted the course of history for their nation when they marched for social justice in 1956. They understood the importance of being brave and getting into the arena. These women also understood the power of standing together, raising each other up, and walking together.

Within the REIG community, I know that often we need to know how other women are handling the challenges of the real estate industry - financially, socially, in our families. Our shared experiences make ...

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Interest Rates Are At A Record Low

Interest rates are incredibly low due to the Federal Reserve's attempt to stem negative effects from the pandemic and stimulate growth. This is what it means for you as a real estate investor:ā 
- When you're borrowing money, you are borrowing it at sometimes less than the cost of inflation right now. You can use OPM (Other People's Money) for next to nothing.ā 
- There is a record-low supply of homes for sale, and homebuyers are facing competitive bidding wars. The low-interest rates are also helping to drive up prices.ā 
- The low-interest rates make refinancing particularly attractive. In 2020 refinancing activity reached a 17 year high. Savvy investors are doing cash-out refinances (a non-taxable way to access cash from the equity in your home) to have funds available for more investing.ā 
If you can find the right property at the right price, low-interest rates make buying with leverage particularly great right now!

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4 Main Resources That All Real Estate Investors Need


One of the first questions you need to ask yourself, as an aspiring real estate investor, is what resources do you currently have at your disposal for real estate investing? This will give you a better idea of how to create a personalized plan or blueprint that helps you making the most of what you have.Ā 

As a real estate investor, your best resources (other than money) are time, experience, education, and relationships.Ā Let me break them down a little further:ā 

1. Time

One question to ask yourself as you begin your investing journey is, how much available time do you have? Realistically you need time for finding the property, finding the financing, managing and renovating the property (if needed or desired), managing outside investors, etc. If time is not one of the resources you have, then partner with someone who has that resource more available!ā 

2. Experience

Hereā€™s the thing- the more experience you have, the more time and money you will save. With experience, you know wh...

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How to Start Investing in Real Estate As A Goddess?


Probably the hardest part of getting into real estate investing is knowing where to start. Here are three tips to get started investing in real estate as a goddess:

Tip #1: Get your education on.ā 

Many/most people don't take action because they don't know what to do. Lack of knowledge/clear steps leads to paralysis. Education for effective action is the antidote to this.

I created a free training to help you know what steps to take so you can get into effective action >>>How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing Even as a Busy Professional Woman. Click here to sign up for an upcoming session.

Tip #2: Get clear on your desires and real estate vision.ā 

The more clarity you have on what you want, the easier it will be to bring it forth. I cannot overstate enough how important this step is. Clarity is rocket fuel for your desires. ā 
Here are some of the questions you can ask yourself over the next few days to help yourself find clarity before starting investing.ā 
1. What does suc...

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Motivation Monday

"The real question is not IF you should make this investment, it's WHEN."

ā€” Monick Halm.

Do you want to make money in your sleep?ā  Do you want to have the financial freedom to travel wherever you want?ā  Do you want to be able to quit your 9 to 5 and be your own boss?ā 
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then itā€™s not a question of IF you should take the leap into real estate investingā€¦ itā€™s WHEN.ā  So when would now be a good time to start?


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4 Millionaire Female Real Estate Investors To Know.

Andrew Carnegie said, ā€œ90% of millionaires become so through real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined.ā€

I know I preach a LOT about how important investing in real estate is to build generational wealth. I know I am always sharing how it has allowed me, and so many goddesses I know, to achieve real financial freedom. But itā€™s not just me who believes this to be true! People all around the world have created millions because they invested in real estate. They put their money in properties, homes, complexes, commercial buildings, etc and their money made them more money until they achieved the millionaire status that they enjoy today.

Here is a list of some of the female real estate investors who have had the greatest impact on the real estate industry:Ā 

-Ā Barbara Corcoran:Ā Judge on Shark Tank + real estate investor.

Barbara Corcoran was committed to succeeding. At the age of 23, she quit her job as a waitress and borrowed $1,...

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InvestingĀ in Real EstateĀ from $1 to $1MĀ ā€“Ā 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.