Goddess Spotlight: How She Accelerated to 4 Deals in 6 Months

Ready to be inspired? It's time for a Goddess Spotlight!

I want to introduce you to members of our community who are successfully building their real estate portfolios and are on their way to financial freedom. Some are relatively new, while others have been at it for a while.

These goddesses invest in almost every niche imaginable, and they ALL have a lot of insight to share!

Today, I'm sharing my interview with Donna Byron - our Wealthy Goddess last May!


Here’s a recap of what we talked about:

  • Donna had been investing before she found Real Estate Investor Goddesses, but she had been going slowly (about 1 deal per year for 5 years.) She really wanted to accelerate, but she didn't know what she didn't know!
  • She heard about the Virtual Wealth Through Real Estate Event on a podcast and bought a ticket. It was deep, transformative, and connecting -- even for an introvert like her!
  • The big lesson she learned about being around people who are...
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Motivation Monday


"Women have to harness their power—it’s absolutely true. It’s just learning not to take the first no. And if you can’t go straight ahead, you go around the corner."

― Cher.

Powerful words from a badass woman. Now it's your turn to harness your power, believe in yourself, and take over the world!!

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Real Estate Investing Is Not One Size Fits At All


There are a lot of different ways of investing in real estate! You can be an active investor or a passive investor, you can invest in homes, apartment buildings, land, notes, hotels, industrial, and more. There are so many options!

That's what I love about our REI Goddesses community- women are investing in many different ways, in many different locations, and you can see all of these women CRUSHING it in real estate - all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, ages, marital statuses, etc. It is SO inspiring!

You need to create a plan that will work for you. If you’re making a blueprint for a building, the blueprint will be very different if the building is going to be a 2-bedroom house or a 100-story skyscraper.

If you have the wrong plan, you’re not going to make the right investment decisions for you and your goals. This could result in you losing money or not having your money available to you when you need it.

A true Story About A Real Estate Investor Goddess

Jenny came...

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Motivation Monday

"A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water."

― Eleanor Roosevelt.

March is National Women's History Month and we can't wait to celebrate all month long by sharing quotes from some of our favorite women in history! Starting with Eleanor Roosevelt!

Did you know that Eleanor not only helped draft the universal declaration of human rights, but she also received over 35 honorary degrees?? (FDR only received 31 ) She was an incredible woman in our nation's history, and one we respect very much.

Who is a woman from history who inspires you?

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Motivation Monday


"True wealth gets built when your time gets uncoupled with money."

― Monick Halm.

Time is finite. We only have so much time in our day, our week, our month, and truly, our lives. When it comes to making money, some people have jobs that trade their time for money. This can be really lucrative, especially if you’re a CEO and you get paid a lot of money per hour worked. But I believe that when you’re truly wealthy, your time is completely your own. True wealth means not trading your time for money, it means making money while you do whatever you’d like to do with your time.

Real estate investing gives you the gift of time. It allows you to have enough passive income streams so that you work because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to. That is true wealth, and THAT is the kind of financial freedom I want for each and every one of you.

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Motivation Monday

To be honest, it's a lot easier to attract people to you, than going after people to join your team or business. When you create a platform and put yourself out there it's kinda like you are the honey and the bees come to you. It's a lot easier to do it that way!

Instead of chasing people down. I like to put out as much value as I can and attract people to me! This is how I now get my deals and my money. Investors find me to get on my list, and brokers and other deal sponsors send me opportunities. This is not only easier, but it's also way more fun!

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Motivation Monday

AKA: Taxes!

Did you know that the government actually encourages real estate ownership? They do so by offering tax incentives for property owners.

Buying real estate will usually increase your income, but result in lowering your tax burden. Because of depreciation and other tax deductions, it will often appear for tax purposes as though you’re running at a loss.

Even though you’re making income, you have lower taxes and no self-employment tax on rental cash flow. So more money just goes right into your pocket! That’s the beauty of real estate- it allows you to keep more of the money you make, instead of giving it to the government.

If you want to learn more about how you can get started in real estate investing, I have a Free Training I’d love to share with you!

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What You Don't Need Vs. What You Do Need As A Female Real Estate Investor.

I'm tired of seeing badass, capable goddesses waste their time and energy on things they don't need! Let me break this down for you...

You DON'T need more information!

If all you needed to become a successful real estate investor was google, podcasts, blogs, and youtube videos everyone would be successful investing.

What you DO need is context and education for effective action.

I have developed an EASY-to-follow framework to allow you to know what steps to take and what to set up to successfully invest in a way that works for you. This is included as part of my Wealthy Goddess Program!

You DON'T need supposed gurus who haven't invested in decades to "learn" from.

Real estate investing is not about theory, and it's not stagnant. Certain strategies that worked years ago or even pre-2020 will not work today.

You DO need people you can trust who are successfully investing right now.

That's why I bring in experts every month to speak to and answer questions for our Wealthy Goddess...

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5 Steps to Hone Your Intuition and Be A More Succesful Real Estate Investor

Your intuition is the second ingredient of the Goddess secret sauce. It’s particularly strong for most women, and it’s one of our most powerful tools. I call it the GPS for your life.

Have you ever had an intuitive sense about someone or something? Maybe you heard a voice that steered you in the right direction? Or you "just knew" something was the right decision or you knew that it was wrong?

Several years ago, I had an instant liking to a man I met on a blind date. I felt a strong feeling for him even before he spoke. I “just knew” instantly. That man is now my husband.

Intuition is very real and tends to be particularly strong in women. It’s a gift that we have, and it’s extremely valuable for your investing (or anything else in your life).

What Is Your Intuition?

 Your intuition is the culmination of various instantaneous mental processes including automatic processing, subliminal priming, implicit memory, heuristics, right-brain...

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3 Ways to Add Pleasure to Your Real Estate Investing

Pleasure is the first ingredient of the Goddess Secret Sauce. For women, it is CRUCIAL to follow our pleasure. If you find that you have to “man up” or “muscle through” something, almost certainly you’re coming from a masculine place and are NOT going to be happy with the results.

It’s not to say that you will never need to engage in things you would rather not be doing. If that were the case, I would never commute anywhere, help my daughter with her homework, work on my taxes, etc.

You still need to do the work, but adding pleasure to your life/real estate investing will help make the journey a joy.

There are 3 ways to add pleasure to your real estate investing. I call these the 3 Blissciplines.


1. Do at least one pleasurable activity every day.

It doesn’t have to be real estate related. Maybe it’s getting a manicure or massage. Maybe it’s sitting in the sun and meditating. Maybe it’s watching your favorite movie....

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.