What makes a great team member? I always come back to the three C’s when I’m evaluating someone to be on my team, to work for me, or to welcome into my inner circle. These 3 C’s are (in order of importance):
1. Character: this tells me everything I need to know about them. I evaluate how trustworthy they are, I evaluate how they treat all people (like the waitstaff, their assistant, me, etc), and I evaluate their overall integrity. I only want to work with people who are trustworthy and who respect the people around them, so character is a big one for me.
2. Commitment: you don’t want to bring someone on your team who you can’t rely on! So commitment is another key value that I consider before I start working with someone. I look at their commitment to our shared mission/vision/values- are they practicing what they preach? I also evaluate their commitment to our shared project- are they holding up their side of the deal? Are they hitting deadlines? Are they showi