Stop Pushing, Start Flowing: How Aligning Your Mindset Unlocks Success

Ever feel like you’re pushing hard, doing everything “right,” but success still feels out of reach? You’re following all the strategies, staying disciplined, hustling day and night, and yet… things just aren’t clicking. You start wondering: What am I missing? What’s wrong with me?

I had a great conversation on the Getting Real Show with guest Bogdan Rosu, a mindset and business coach who combines martial arts philosophy with personal development. He dropped some serious wisdom about this whole struggle we put ourselves through, and honestly, it’s stuck with me. His approach? Success isn’t about working harder or learning every strategy under the sun. It’s about what’s happening inside you.

Check out this episode where I chat with mindset coach Bogdan Rosu about unlocking true success through mindset shifts, overcoming limiting beliefs, and the power of fun. This blog expands on those ideas, showing how balance and flow can change the way you approach your goals.

Watch the ...

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The Goddess Way to Get Out of a Rut

Are you in a rut? Going through the motions? Checking off the to-do list just because that’s what you’re supposed to do?

If reading that sentence made your heart sink in recognition, or you breathed a sigh of relief that someone else said it, know this: you are not alone.

Even in a season where we are surrounded by reminders to be thankful, overwhelm is real. You’re doing and balancing a lot.

But, there’s good news.

We’re here for you. We’ve been right there in your shoes. And we’ll be right here, with our hands reaching out, until you’re feeling fabulous, fun, and right on track.

But where do we start?

When I feel stuck, I focus on things that I know have a HUGE impact:

đź’ś I make time for daily pleasure breaks -- moments of fun, delight and/or self-care which never fail to revive me. When we're in a major rut, it's easy to forget to do this (or gasp! think we're too busy), but that's when we need pleasure breaks the most!

💜 I choose a new, fresh goal - a vacation I’ve always wa...

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THE GODDESS SECRET SAUCE: How we can tap into our feminine genius to be more successful real estate investors

Have you noticed that women and men are different? We are different on more than just a chromosomal level. Women are different in how they best work, deal with stress, learn, and invest.

The key to successfully investing as a woman is to incorporate the womanly elements and tap into the Goddess Secret Sauce. The Goddess Secret Sauce invites in magic and miracles.

I believe in the power we have as women. And we can tap into that power to invite in what we desire with the 4 factors of the Goddess Secret Sauce: Pleasure, Intuition, Mindset and Sisterhood.

When people ask how we found our apartment buildings in Albuquerque (and managed a quantum leap in one year of investing), I sometimes give a more complicated answer than what happened. I’ll talk about how we assessed the market and built the team, but that’s not quite an honest answer.

The honest answer is that I set an intention and then was completely guided to it. As if by magic, we met a woman at a networking event who told us a...

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What the World Needs Now Is...

mindset Jan 04, 2018

Perhaps you're like me and 2017 left you feeling beat up and traumatized?

In addition to some very serious tragedies in my personal life, all the talk of sexual assaults, #metoo, North Korea, bullying, fake news, police brutality, hurricanes, floods, fires, have left me feeling like I'm suffering from PTSD.  Part of me wants to pull the covers over my head and hibernate until next Christmas.  

Can you relate?

As we thankfully start fresh with a new year, I want to give you a little reminder that helped me.

Remember that for every piece of bad news, there are 9999+ instances of beautiful, compassionate, sympathetic, generous actions that the news channels don't feel are newsworthy to share.

Remember that despite the clouds, storms, and night skies, the sun never stops shining.

Remember that we need to see the dark and the dirty in order to know what to clean up.

Remember that you, goddess, are in the perfect position to shine your light and clear out the shadows.

Real Estate Inv...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.