Why Is Sisterhood So Good for Us?


There are several studies that highlight how women are biologically wired to be around other women.

One of nature’s “feel good” hormones - Oxytocin, the “bonding hormone”, is released in women’s brains in 3 instances: during sex, during breastfeeding, and when women are in groups of other women.

Our brain dumps oxytocin to tell us when something is good for us. It feels good so we will repeat it. Nature has us wired to bond with our lovers, our babies, and other women.

In a UCLA study, scientists found that when stressed, men tended to go off alone or react aggressively (“fight or flight”). Women, on the other hand, tend to their young or gather together to commiserate, cook, and be with others, usually other women (“tend and befriend”).

For women, getting together with other women is one of the healthiest and most effective forms of stress relief. It feels particularly good because of all that oxytocin that is released when we do so. People with high levels of oxytocin are calm...

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3 Common Mistakes Women Make in Real Estate Investment.

 As women, we use to think that we can do it all, that we need to have everything perfect, and that's ok. Those are qualities of our personality that help us be one step ahead of life’s everyday challenges. But, when it comes to investing, some of the things that most of the time work in our favor, may become mistakes that can cost us valuable time and money.

Here you have a list of the most common mistakes women make in real estate investment:


Mistake #1: Waiting to have everything "perfect" before you start investing. 

One of the biggest mistakes we see women make in real estate investing (before they even begin) is waiting for the “perfect” time to begin. This is a HUGE mistake because as badass women who juggle 100 things at once. there will never be a perfect time. There will never be a perfect property, a perfect bank account balance, a perfect sign from the universe... and you waiting is only you getting in the way of your own happiness. Getting started and gaining that mo...

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Investing in Real Estate from $1 to $1M – 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.