Motivation Monday

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2021

Get creative in real estate investing! If everyone is doing the same thing, it will be competitive and expensive for you. So try to think outside of the box instead.

For example, hotels weren't doing so well during the peak of Covid because people were not traveling. Therefore, a lot of hotel owners were trying to sell their property. However, a lot of investors are looking to purchase apartment buildings so their tenants can pay their mortgage and they can live for free. If you allow yourself to think creatively as an investor, you may be able to think of a new, creative solution that no one has tried before. What if, instead of doing what everyone else was doing, you purchased a hotel, at a low cost, and turned it into apartments? Then you can purchase it for a low cost and be able to make a lucrative cash flow from it. THIS is how thinking creatively can help you get ahead in real estate investing.

Most investors are looking down the fork in the road and deciding if they should...

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Motivation Monday

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2021

Back in 2005, Candace Bushnell (the author who brought Sex in the City to life) told an interviewer this quote. Bushnell had a point. Women are bombarded with limiting beliefs about money from childhood on - from media, movies, magazines, and, often, our own families.

But, you? You have the opportunity to interrupt that cycle for your family. Real estate offers the opportunity to step through the door of investment opportunity.

The United Nations found that when we economically empower women, we find improved productivity and economic diversification. The world is better when women have the money and power that Bushnell pointed out as uncomfortable.

Inside the Real Estate Investor Goddess program, we tackle the tough topics with support and community. The I shared a FB Live on Women, Power and Money -- two things we need to do to get comfortable with having more power and money.

Check it out by clicking here.

Let's get you over any discomfort or limiting beliefs. The world needs...

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Motivation Monday

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2021

On average, women see better results in real estate investing and yet there are significantly less women involved in this field. Why is that? I believe it's a lack of awareness and education on what investing in real estate really is, and fear of this male-dominated space. Women can be extremely successful in this field if they allow themselves to show up.

So if you are interested in living a financially free life, please comment below. I'd love to help you reach financial freedom through real estate investing!

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Future You is Going to LOVE Today You

Uncategorized Jul 23, 2021

I wish I could go back and speak to myself from 2016. The decisions that she made, the risks she took, the learning that she did set up the 2021 me to make the most of this year: time with my family, prioritized self-care, and joyfully chasing my goal to inspire 1 million women in real estate.

If I could go back, I’d tell her the work and investment was worth it.

I remember those first thoughts about what was possible through real estate for me and my family.

I remember realizing that the rat race didn’t have to be MY path.

I remember my first real estate mastermind - when I was the only woman at the table with 18 men.

I remember seeing people doing seven and eight+ figure real estate deals for the first time, and then the breathless disbelief when I signed contracts to do my own.

Past me was scared and full of doubts, but nevertheless, she made her decisions to invest in her education and growth, and she took step after step in the direction of her dreams.

In fact,...

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Not All Debt Is Bad!

It's true! Not all debt is bad debt. I don't recommend getting debt to buy consumer goods (clothes, shoes, cosmetics, etc). However, secured debt for investment purposes is a great way to go much further, faster. That's how the wealthy build wealth and accelerate growth. Here's an example:

You borrow 80% for the purchase of an investment property at 4% and after you put in tenants and pay all property expenses, including your loan, you're still cash-flowing. Your tenant is paying down your debt through their rent and you're making money off the money you borrowed. Additionally, your loan interest payments are tax deductible! That's why I LOVE this kind of debt.

What do you think? Join the discussion in my Instagram.

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The Goddess Way to Get Out of a Rut

Are you in a rut? Going through the motions? Checking off the to-do list just because that’s what you’re supposed to do?

If reading that sentence made your heart sink in recognition, or you breathed a sigh of relief that someone else said it, know this: you are not alone.

Even in a season where we are surrounded by reminders to be thankful, overwhelm is real. You’re doing and balancing a lot.

But, there’s good news.

We’re here for you. We’ve been right there in your shoes. And we’ll be right here, with our hands reaching out, until you’re feeling fabulous, fun, and right on track.

But where do we start?

When I feel stuck, I focus on things that I know have a HUGE impact:

I make time for daily pleasure breaks -- moments of fun, delight and/or self-care which never fail to revive me. When we're in a major rut, it's easy to forget to do this (or gasp! think we're too busy), but that's when we need pleasure breaks the most!

I choose a...

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If it takes money to make money, where do you get the money to start?

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2021

Many people think it takes money to make money. They don't think they can get into real estate (or do as much as they'd like) because they feel limited by their funds or lack thereof.

The truth is that it does often take money to make money in real estate, BUT it doesn't have to be your money. You just need to know how to access money - OPM (Other People's Money).

This Wednesday at 5:00 pm, I'm hosting a free webinar with the amazing Cheyenne Burnett of Get Fundable "3 Insider Banking Secrets Every Real Estate Investor Needs to Know."

In this webinar you'll learn how a proven insider banking secret will get you up to $1,000,000 (1 million!?!) for your deals using unsecured, stated-income, business credit lines at prime +0.5 to 2 points from top-tier banks in as little as 120 days WITHOUT NEEDING collateral, tax returns, or financials (or hitting up your rich Aunt Mabel!)

You can register here
During this webinar, we will cover:

  1. Why the credit score myth is a trap.
  2. Why real estate...
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Monday Motivation

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2021

Economically, this has been a very fraught time. Over 22 million people in the U.S. filed unemployment claims since the COVID pandemic began. 200,000+ businesses closed down permanently. While we seem to be coming out of the pandemic, the economic fallout is far from done. My heart is breaking for those who are relying only on their one job for income and who are struggling financially right now.

The key to survival in this world is economic resilience. What gives you that? Multiple streams of income... especially hard asset-backed streams of income through real estate.

If you haven't started real estate investing yet, it's definitely not too late. In fact, this might be THE BEST TIME to learn how to invest in real estate. I predict there will be more opportunities to invest than ever before in our lifetimes.

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Interest Rates Are At A Record Low

Interest rates are incredibly low due to the Federal Reserve's attempt to stem negative effects from the pandemic and stimulate growth. This is what it means for you as a real estate investor:

- When you're borrowing money, you are borrowing it at sometimes less than the cost of inflation right now. You can use OPM (Other People's Money) for next to nothing.

- There is a record-low supply of homes for sale, and homebuyers are facing competitive bidding wars. The low-interest rates are also helping to drive up prices.

- The low-interest rates make refinancing particularly attractive. In 2020 refinancing activity reached a 17 year high. Savvy investors are doing cash-out refinances (a non-taxable way to access cash from the equity in your home) to have funds available for more investing.

If you can find the right property at the right price, low-interest rates make buying with leverage particularly great right now!

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Money Is Uncomfortable?

Uncategorized Jun 30, 2021

Back in 2005, Candace Bushnell (the author who brought Sex in the City to life) told an interviewer “Women with money and women in power are two uncomfortable ideas in our society”. 

Jimmy Choos & NYC skylines aside, Bushnell had a point. Women are bombarded with limiting beliefs about money from childhood on - from media, movies, magazines, and, often, our own families. 

But, you? You have the opportunity to interrupt that cycle for your family. Real estate offers the opportunity to step through the door of investment opportunity. 

The United Nations found that when we economically empower women, we find improved productivity and economic diversification. The world is better when women have the money and power that Bushnell pointed out as uncomfortable.

Inside the Real Estate Investor Goddess program, we tackle the tough topics with support and community. A few days ago I shared a FB Live on Women, Power and Money -- two things we need to do to get...

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