My Story of Getting Started in Real Estate Investment

Today, I wanted to share about how I got started in real estate investment.

I have a real estate investing goddess friend named Nicole.  Her parents were very successful real estate investors.  She grew up knowing all about real estate.  Her parents are much older and have since retired, and now she runs their impressive real estate portfolio.  She's been an investor since birth.  

I, on the other hand, didn’t grow up knowing any of this.  I fell into real estate investment almost by accident. 

I didn’t know anything about real estate investing.  I didn’t know why someone would want to do it, or that it was even an option for me. 

I was taught that you work hard in school, go to the best college (and in my case law school) you can, and then get the best job you can. 

I was taught to trade time for money, but get the best job you can so that you’re making the most amount of money per hour....

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It's a Class Thing -- Understanding Property Classes

We get on the phone every week with building property managers.  We are never quite sure what we are going to hear.

There was the call about a drive-by shooting that thankfully didn’t hit anybody, the call about the fire in one of our townhouses that was a result of a love spat gone very, very bad, the call about the 10 units (out of 51) that we were going to have to evict in one month because they hadn’t been paying rent,  the call about the ex-con who threatened our property manager with a gun because he wasn’t happy about said eviction, the call about our elderly tenant who can’t pay rent because he thought a Nigerian Prince was really going to send him $10,000,000 and he sent a bank check equaling more than 2 months of his rent, and so much more.

This is what it’s like dealing with a Class C building.  [If you don’t know what that is yet, keep reading].

Lately though the calls have been different....

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This is one of the most important property market considerations...

Even though I live in Los Angeles, I no longer invest here due to one of the most important property market considerations that I will share in a sec.

I am nonetheless always interested in knowing what's going on in real estate, especially in my own backyard, so on Saturday I went to a real estate symposium  about the Revitalization of Downtown Los Angeles (DTLA). 

DTLA has really flourished and changed over the past 18 years from when I first moved to LA and worked Downtown to today.  

Back in 2000 when I first moved to this city, Downtown was a no man's land.  People would drive in to work and there would be activity in DTLA from 8 am to 6 pm or so.  As soon as 6 pm hit the city would completely empty out (well except for lawyers like me working insane hours and the homeless who called those streets home).  

Due in large part to the opening of the Staples Center, which hosts 4 sports teams and 300 events per year...

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Amazon Announced its Top 20 Finalists for HQ2 and Why You Should Care


If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve probably heard that Amazon is shopping for HQ2 - the home of their second headquarters.

In September they put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) to North American Cities searching for:

  • A metro with more than 1 million people
  • A stable and business-friendly environment
  • Urban or suburban locations attractive to technical talent
  • An international airport within 45 minutes with direct flights to key cities
  • Close to freeways
  • High capacity connectivity (fiber optic and cellular)
  • Access to large, educated labor force
  • Attractive community and quality of life for employees
  • Access to mass transit to the new site
  • "Scale and creativity" in real estate options.

They received 238 proposals from cities vying to become Amazon’s second corporate home.  The phenomenal interest was not surprising.

It’s a HUGE prize - Amazon is projecting 50,000 jobs with an average annual salary of $100,000.  To...

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4 Common Real Estate Investing Myths Debunked


Recognizing and challenging any limiting beliefs about real estate is the first step in becoming a successful real estate investor. So many investors severely limit what they accomplish or worse, they don’t even get started, because they believe one of the following myths:

Myth 1: You Need to Have a Lot of Money or Time to Invest in Real Estate

A lot of potential investors I speak to say “I’d love to invest in real estate and I will as soon as I’ve got more money.” Or “I’d love to invest, but I don’t have time to find a property or be a landlord.”

People think they’re limited because they have limited resources. I thought the same thing.
My husband and I were searching for a 4-unit property to buy in Los Angeles and were stuck and unable to find the right investment because we were only thinking that we had to use our own capital, credit, or available time.

Tony Robbins says, “There’s no...

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4 Myths About Clarity, Goals and Success That Can Keep You Stuck




Don't underestimate the importance of clarity.  Clarity of vision is the first step for a goddess in real estate investing (or really anything else she desires).  It's really the most magical thing for goddesses.

It's important to bust through the myths that most people believe around clarity, success, and goals.  These are the myths that keep these folks stuck with the same problems year after year.  

These old-world myths say:


Myth 1: Make a long list of goals and make sure they’re S.M.A.R.T.

“People are remarkably bad at remembering long lists of goals. I learned this at a professional level when trying to get my high-performance coaching clients to stay on track; the longer their lists of to-dos and goals, the more overwhelmed and off-track they got. Clarity comes with simplicity.” ~ Brendon Burchard

The Goddess Way is to simplify and get to the essence of what you want and how you want to feel. No...

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What the World Needs Now Is...

mindset Jan 04, 2018

Perhaps you're like me and 2017 left you feeling beat up and traumatized?

In addition to some very serious tragedies in my personal life, all the talk of sexual assaults, #metoo, North Korea, bullying, fake news, police brutality, hurricanes, floods, fires, have left me feeling like I'm suffering from PTSD.  Part of me wants to pull the covers over my head and hibernate until next Christmas.  

Can you relate?

As we thankfully start fresh with a new year, I want to give you a little reminder that helped me.

Remember that for every piece of bad news, there are 9999+ instances of beautiful, compassionate, sympathetic, generous actions that the news channels don't feel are newsworthy to share.

Remember that despite the clouds, storms, and night skies, the sun never stops shining.

Remember that we need to see the dark and the dirty in order to know what to clean up.

Remember that you, goddess, are in the perfect position to shine your light and clear out the shadows.


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InvestingĀ in Real EstateĀ from $1 to $1MĀ ā€“Ā 12 strategies to get you invested in real estate regardless of your schedule or budget.